Good morning. I’m curious to know if this diary is beneficial to any of you reading this. If so, please send a comment at the bottom of this page to give me some feedback. Maybe there’s some other things you’d like to know about the harvest that I’m not touching on. Please send some feedback if you have the time. Anyway, there’s rain in Oklahoma AND in SW Minnesota. We needed it here in MN so that’s nice (but of course it’s golf day so it appears that won’t happen. I may have to work a full Wednesday for once.) The rain in OK began around 2:00 this morning so the crews were able to cut late into the evening but it looks like today may be another servicing day. However, I spoke to Richard this morning who has his crew cutting near Nash, OK and they didn’t get much rain at all so his crew may be cutting today. He said he’s been in 45+/bu/acre fields and down to 15 bu/acre fields. He says it all depends on what brand was planted. The wheat that is laying down and only producing 15 bu/acre is extremely tough to cut Richard says. He says it’s easy to have the header too low and then too much earth is taken with the wheat. He was in good spirits and was just going to wait a bit to see if the wheat would be able to go today. I gave Luke a quick call this morning and caught him at McDonald’s with his two boys Matthew and Wade. He said he and his crew would not be cutting today. It looks like he’ll be cutting around Lamont, OK tomorrow where the wheat looks pretty decent (30 bu/acre.) He said they cut last night near Billings until about 9:00 and then it was getting pretty tough. Chad is putting on miles again today. He likes to make sure all the machines are being kept clean and serviced properly. Downtime is stressful and no fun so he’s trying to stay ahead of the game. Chad sent one driver, Mike, down to Waco, TX yesterday to pick up one of our combines to be delivered to Kansas today. The wheat in Kansas looks good I’m told. Have a great hump day and again, please send a comment back at the bottom of this page to give me a little feedback regarding this year’s diary. Thanks much! Travis