Based in Hendricks, Minnesota


Farming and Harvesting throughout USA & Canada

1355 300th Street
Hendricks, Minnesota 56136
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Telephone: 507-275-3176
Fax: 507-275-1303

Harvest Update

Although the wheat harvest has been going on for a couples weeks with one crew we have in California, the Oklahoma wheat harvest is beginning today. The shop around the farm is like a ghost town now. That’s not all bad. The last couple of days here at home have been...

Still planting beans

Good afternoon. We’re still trying to get the beans in the ground around home. The guys were able to get back into the fields on Friday afternoon, a little on Saturday, but then Sunday was a good day and today has been good. It looks like showers again tonight with...

Planting update

Good afternoon! The guys did get all the corn planted by last Saturday before we got the weekend and early week rains which was great! Then we had some sun yesterday and again this morning so we were back in the field with beans this afternoon but here it is around...

Morning showers

Good morning. We have had some great planting weather this past week. Watching the weather reports it looked like we were going to get some rain this weekend but woke up to showers this morning! So, unforeseen but welcomed. The best part of the rain is that it looks...

Planting going well

While driving around today, there’s still some small patches of snow but we’ve still been able to get into most fields. We have quite a bit of corn planted and we started some beans today as well. We may get some showers tonight but the forecast looks warm and nice...