Based in Hendricks, Minnesota


Farming and Harvesting throughout USA & Canada

1355 300th Street
Hendricks, Minnesota 56136
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Telephone: 507-275-3176
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Aug 24, 2007

Good morning.   Chad told me this morning that he agreed to do a few more acres in North Dakota today and also said they’ll finish in Canada tomorrow and then start heading home.

It was nice to see some activity around the farm here at home yesterday.  I know I’m a nerd CPA but I still like to speak once in a while!

Shaun and Mike headed back to ND this morning to go get some more equipment to bring home.

My wife, Cristy, and I had Alex, Shaun, Deon and Burt over to our house last night for spaghetti and a cold beverage.  It was a nice relaxing evening as the weather was perfect.  Cristy talked Alex into shooting the patatoe gun with her!  Kids.

Have a great  weekend everyone!
